COVID-19 and mental health: A look at the pandemic’s impact on mental health, how we’re treating it, and how it’s affecting those in clinical trials [whitepaper]

What impact has COVID-19 had on our collective mental health? How has treatment been adapted to meet new needs? And what does this all mean for clinical trial participants?

In our latest whitepaper, we take a look at how the pandemic has affected the mental health of the general public, including a tripling of anxiety symptoms and a quadrupling of depression. We then focus on people who tested positive, those with pre-existing mental health disorders, and healthcare workers. 

In a World Health Organization (WHO) survey of 130 countries, 93% reported that the pandemic “has disrupted or halted critical mental health services...while the demand for mental health is increasing.” We take a deeper dive into these disruptions, and highlight several treatment adaptations being used to combat this issue. 

Finally, we know that when the pandemic began, more than 1,000 trials delayed their start or paused. In this whitepaper, we explore how these delays and pauses impacted patients who were enrolled in these trials. This is a complicated and less-studied aspect of the pandemic’s toll on mental health, but still important to consider.