How Antidote uses database insights to drive lupus research [whitepaper]

Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack its own tissues and organs. For the 1.5 million people in the United States that live with the disease, it has severe implications — symptoms include pain, fatigue, hair loss, cognitive issues, physical impairments, and disfiguring rashes. An estimated 10-15% of lupus patients will die prematurely due to the condition.

Recently, we analyzed a data set of more than 5,000 lupus patients in our database with the goal of better understanding how best to reach these individuals with clinical trial opportunities. In this whitepaper, we detail what we learned from health information provided by patients, including key demographic details, and information on patterns related to lupus type, symptoms, and medication use. We also discuss why lupus research can be so challenging. This is the perfect illustration of the types of insights Antidote accesses when crafting robust, thoughtful patient recruitment strategies — download the whitepaper today to learn more.