Delivering on Diversity: Clinical Trials and Healthcare Access

Clinical trials help people access tomorrow’s treatments today. In the age of precision medicine and tumor profiling, this statement is particularly true for oncology patients. According to a recent ProPublica article, even in Phase I trials, 20% of clinical trial participants now see a reduction in tumor size, compared with 5% of participants in the 1990s.

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Delivering on Diversity: Tuskegee and what it means for minority participation in medical research today

Every conversation about minority participation in medical research inevitably winds up with the “T” word – Tuskegee.

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Research Pioneers: Meet Allison Kalloo

At Antidote, we aim to make it easy for researchers and patients to connect. And a big part of that work is creating opportunities for people to learn more about medical research and dispelling myths about medical research participation, both for patients and researchers.

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