Patients have a type: How preferences for clinical trial type vary by race and condition area [whitepaper]

Patients are interested in research participation: they just need to be approached in the right way. This whitepaper, the first in a series, digs into the results of our survey of ~4,000 patients and parses out how both condition area and race affect both patient willingness to take part and the types of trials patients would consider. These findings offer insights into selecting the right recruitment strategy.

"Patients Have a Type" focuses on:

  • How race and ethnicity affect likelihood of participation in different kinds of trials, such as observational trials and trials for new drugs and devices
  • How we can better determine whether the trials we design meet patient needs
  • Whether condition area impacts how likely patients are to participate in different types of trials
  • How research teams can take action on these findings and improve patient recruitment outcomes
