The value of Match data for partners

Antidote’s robust partner network, consisting of over 300 organizations, is made up of patient advocacy groups, point-of-care-companies, health influencers, and more. Though each organization we partner with is unique and multi-faceted, they all share similar goals, one of which is: connecting their communities with resources and research opportunities that can drive medical progress or improve an individual’s quality of life.

One of the most effective ways to further that goal is by offering their communities our clinical trial search tool, Antidote Match™. As a company that specializes in clinical trial patient recruitment, we have built Match to be a resource that benefits patients as well as our partner organizations. Match allows patients to match to clinical trials quickly and easily. But for partners, Match makes it easier to understand the impact of their efforts and who is being drawn to their outreach through clear data points and demographic insights.

What is Antidote Match?

Match is Antidote’s proprietary, patient-centric clinical trial matching software that allows patients to quickly find clinical trials for which they may be eligible. After answering a few questions, individuals can browse results, look up site contact information, save trials they might be interested in, and sign up to receive email alerts when a new study is published that meets their criteria.

We provide this powerful clinical trial recruitment tool at no cost to organizations in our partner network. Patient advocacy groups can easily install Match on their website to provide a simpler way to connect their database with clinical trials, all while gleaning insights into the individuals they are reaching.

What Antidote’s partner network can learn from Match data

In addition to providing their communities with access to medical research opportunities, there are many things that our partner network has been able to learn from installing Match on their website.

Patient demographic information

When a user goes through a Match journey, they answer questions about themselves to find relevant clinical trials for which they may be eligible. This includes basic blind demographic details such as condition, age, location, travel tolerance, and race/ethnicity, identification — all of which Antidote aggregates and sends to organizations as part of our regular reporting process. These data points can not only be helpful for organizations seeking to gain more general insights into their patient communities, but they also provide a baseline for who an organization is reaching and where their outreach efforts could improve.

The effectiveness of patient outreach campaigns

Being able to effectively reach the community is important for any organization, but without proper measurability, it can be difficult to understand whether a campaign was a true success. With Match, organizations can direct their campaigns to the search tool and understand exactly how their traffic was impacted. In one instance, our partners at JDRF sent their database an email about clinical trials and saw a 400% increase in searches.

The impact of their content marketing

Unfortunately, there are still many myths surrounding clinical trial participation — but releasing content pieces regarding the benefit of participating in research can provide relevant information the community is likely to find interesting. Plus, with Match, it’s easier to see the direct impact of the materials an organization is releasing. By monitoring search metrics before and after specific content pieces are released, organizations are able to get a good impression of what pieces are resonating with readers the most.

Having a deep understanding of the breakdown of any given patient population is key to effectively reaching all communities and connecting them with relevant research opportunities. Through Antidote Match, we’re enabling our partner network to do just that — if you’d like to learn more, click the button below.