20 Blog post ideas for your health blog

For individuals and companies that write health-focused blogs, continually finding topics to cover can be a challenge at times. Whether you’re a health influencer, patient advocacy organization, or another player in the clinical trial industry, finding unique topics to differentiate a blog is not always easy. However, through the below ideas and a unique voice, it is possible to write a plethora of clinical trial blogs that stick out from the rest.

Health-related blog post ideas

  1. Share a research roundup. Research roundups can be a great topic for blogs targeted at patients and industry professionals alike. Not only do these provide an opportunity to share the newest information about a condition’s research results, but they also provide the chance to include third-party links, which is helpful for SEO purposes.
  1. Write about myths and misconceptions about a topic. Unfortunately, misinformation is rampant about many health conditions — but this also means that sharing the facts can be extremely valuable. Blogs that focus on addressing questions about a condition or its treatment can serve as a helpful resource to any type of audience.
  1. Highlight National Health Observances. National Health Observances are days, weeks, or months designed to raise awareness around specific health-related topics. Blog posts can be a great place to highlight these special observation days and shout out any other pieces of content that might be relevant.
  1. Share a patient story. Because health blogs often focus on the scientific side of things, providing patient-centric insight can serve as a welcome change in perspective. Highlighting a patient’s story can be a powerful reminder of why medical research is important for everyone in the health industry.
  1. Host Q&As with nonprofits and other partners. If there’s an existing relationship with nonprofits, patient advocacy groups, or other types of organizations in the industry, doing a Q&A can be beneficial for both parties. Questions can range from advocacy work to industry trends to exciting new research, and both organizations can benefit from having this type of content on hand.
  1. Blog about clinical research. To have new treatments and therapies approved, it is essential that individuals volunteer for medical research studies — but unfortunately, many people still report being unfamiliar with clinical trials. Covering topics such as how to join a research study or an overview of how clinical trials work can encourage participation and bridge this knowledge gap.
  1. Address frequently asked questions. Many times, when people turn to online search it is because they have a question they’re seeking an answer to. Blogs that address frequently asked questions about a topic, be it clinical trials, a specific condition, or some other topic, can provide a helpful resource for those searching for their inquiries. 
  1. Provide explainers for confusing terms. Industry jargon can be confusing, especially in the medical field. Providing explanations of confusing terms can be a helpful resource for patients hoping to better understand a condition or learn more about their treatment options.
  1. Create lists of helpful tips. While every individual will have different health needs, for conditions where diet, exercise, or other lifestyle habits can play a role, listing out some helpful ideas based on current research can help those that are looking for ideas. 
  1. Shout out other industry players. The medical and health tech space is full of companies doing incredible work that deserves to be amplified. If there are organizations out there doing something noteworthy, blog posts can provide an avenue to shout these out.
  1. Highlight events and conferences. A blog doesn’t have to just be for articles — it can also be a place to highlight upcoming events and conferences that an organization will be attending. Publishing one ahead of time can alert other attendees and prompt conversations about connecting, and publishing one afterward can be an ideal way to summarize key learnings and trends.
  1. Compile a list of support resources. It is often difficult for people living with chronic conditions to spend time and energy scouring the internet for support resources. Sharing a collection of support groups, information hubs, and other resources that may be helpful can provide a patient-centric experience to those searching for assistance.
  1. Broadcast current industry trends. Trends throughout the medical industry can vary from year to year or even month to month. Staying on top of these trends is a wise idea for any organization, as is sharing notable information with a broader audience.
  1. Repurpose other types of content. While creating new articles is great, don’t forget about other types of content that might be ripe for repurposing. Videos, one-pagers, or case studies can all get a second life when incorporated into a blog post.
  1. Create seasonal posts around specific holidays or events. Depending on the area of focus an organization is trying to speak to, seasonal posts may be an appropriate content strategy. Certain conditions may be especially key to acknowledge during certain seasons, and speaking to this at specific times can provide an ideal way to stay relevant.
  1. Write content specifically for caregivers. Caregiving can be a difficult task and require a significant amount of a person’s time and energy — but often, caregivers are not included in content strategies. Speaking to the caregiver perspective can be a great idea for a blog, especially for organizations that focus on conditions where patients are likely to need care assistance, such as Alzheimer’s or pediatric diseases.
  1. Share company press updates. If your organization has made a major accomplishment, such as winning an award or finalizing a new partnership, don’t forget to include this information as a blog post. While press releases are a great way to reach industry news professionals, migrating that content to a company blog can allow it to reach a much wider audience.
  1. Do research deep dives. The internet makes it easier than ever to research conditions, medical terminology, and more, but oftentimes, the information out there is not found all in one place. Picking a topic to do research on and using that to drive a blog post is an ideal way to compile a lot of knowledge in one central location.
  1. Differentiate condition subtypes. Certain types of conditions will often have subtypes that can be differentiated from one another; for example, the term “lung cancer” may refer to either small cell or non-small cell lung cancer, which are two very different things. Blogs can provide an ideal home for a differentiation between condition subtypes such as these to live.
  1. Connect with a guest blogger. If there are other organizations that have content that might be complementary to yours, hosting a guest blog can be ideal. This can provide a new blog for your established audience, and potentially bring new eyes to your blog page as well. 

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