Lisa Conroy

Lisa Conroy is the Director of Communications at Antidote. She is a seasoned health communications strategist dedicated to understanding the reasons people make the health choices they do, and determining what that means in terms of how scientific data should be communicated. Prior to her role at Antidote, Lisa ran the TEDMED Great Challenges program, a public health initiative funded by RWJF. She also has experience working in pharmaceutical public relations in the areas of respiratory diseases, oncology, and HIV. Lisa holds an MPH from Columbia and a BA in English and International Studies from Northwestern.

How We Delivered 300% of Our Clinical Trial Recruitment Goal [Case Study]

While approximately 15 to 20 percent of people 65+ have Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), it can be difficult to identify, and difficult to determine if it is related to Alzheimer’s disease. MCI does not always lead to dementia, but people with MCI are four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia than those without it — so it’s important to treat this condition ...

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Patient Centricity in Clinical Trials: Progress — and Miles to Go

A few years ago, we wrote a blog series for ACRP in which we focused on patient centricity in clinical trial design, recruitment, and execution. Over the next few months, we’ll be taking a second look at those blog posts, sharing updated versions on our own blog. Here’s an update to the first in that series.

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The Quickest Way to Meet Your Clinical Trial Quotas? Precision Recruitment

With patients waiting for new and better treatments and companies waiting for results, delays in clinical trials are far from ideal. And yet, here at Antidote, we receive calls and emails every day from researchers who are missing their trial’s deadlines because they’re having trouble finding patients to take part.

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Randomizations Delivered and Time Saved: A Case Study

For the 1.5 million people in the United States that live with lupus, the chronic autoimmune disease severely impacts quality of life. Pain, fatigue, hair loss, cognitive issues, physical impairments, and rashes are a constant reminder that current treatments need improvement. With such an urgent need, we were excited to execute a successful recruitment campaign for a pharmaceutical client ...

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Reduced Screen Failure Rates and Accelerated Enrollment: A Case Study

Eighteen million American adults live with atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema), a chronic and unpredictable condition that can have a major impact on quality of life. Nearly half of people with atopic dermatitis report that they often or always feel frustrated by their disease, and more than a third say they often or always feel angry or embarrassed by it. New treatment options are needed ...

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Five Keys to Online Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment

Clinical trial patient recruitment can be one of the most expensive and time-consuming aspects of your trial — but it doesn’t need to be. More and more, sponsors and sites are turning to digital to reach patients and enroll them as efficiently as possible. Here are five keys to making sure your clinical trial patient recruitment strategy is a success.

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Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment and Social Media: 5 Common Mistakes

Social media is becoming an increasingly common element of any clinical trial patient recruitment strategy — and for good reason. There are 3.2 billion users in the world spending an average of 116 minutes a day on social media. Plus, these platforms make it possible to target specifically people who would be a good fit for your study based on their demographic factors. It can be hard to get ...

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Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment: What Strategies Don’t Work

When it comes time to begin recruiting for a clinical trial, there are many different approaches you can take to try to reach patients who will be the right fit for your study. Just as important as knowing what strategies may work for your recruitment project is understanding what to avoid. Here are seven common pitfalls that won’t work for clinical trial patient recruitment.

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Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment Online: Is It Enough?

We know that as clinical trial protocols are getting more complex, it’s getting more and more difficult to find the right patient to take part in a particular trial. As a result, most clinical trial sponsors — and their sites and recruitment companies — are turning to online clinical trial patient recruitment. This can look like Facebook ads, or Google paid search, or display ads. It can even ...

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How Protocol Complexity is Impacting Patient Recruitment

Medicine is advancing every day, and treatments are becoming more and more precise. This is, of course, good news for patients in need of new and different treatment options. But as treatments become more targeted, so do clinical trials. It can feel like it’s never been more difficult to recruit patients to take part in clinical trials than it is today.

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