Why clinical trial matching software should put patients first

Before any new medication, therapy, or treatment is put onto the market, it must first be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Part of this approval process is thorough testing through clinical trials to ensure that any therapy is safe and effective before it is released to the general public.

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What are the stages of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or IPF, can be a frightening diagnosis. IPF is a rare, progressive lung disease that develops differently for everyone, and managing its development can be difficult. However, some individuals are able to live with the disease and stay active for many years.

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Small cell vs. non-small cell lung cancer: An overview

Lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, occurs when cells within the lung begin growing in an uncontrolled way, forming tumors or lesions. It typically begins in the cells lining the bronchi, and can eventually spread throughout the lung and to other parts of the body.

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Understanding Parkinson’s disease through Antidote’s database insights [whitepaper]

Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative brain disorder, impacts 10 million people across the world. Most commonly associated with tremors or shaking, it is a condition that significantly affects a person’s quality of life, and as of now, has no known cause. Individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s are empowered to focus primarily on symptom management, which is typically done through medication ...

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How Antidote recruits for rare disease trials

Rare Disease Day occurs every year on the last day of February, and is aimed at raising awareness and creating change for the 300 million individuals across the globe living with a rare disease. In the United States, a rare disease is defined as a condition that impacts less than 200,000 people — by that definition, about 1 in 10 individuals (roughly 30 million people) in America have a rare ...

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How to find and take part in paid clinical trials

Participating in a clinical trial has many benefits, including working with condition specialists, getting access to personalized medical care, and helping science move forward — but did you know that some clinical trials offer compensation, as well?

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What is triple-negative breast cancer?

While breast cancer is often thought of as a singular diagnosis, it is actually an umbrella term that encompasses several subtypes of the disease — many of which have been discovered in recent years due to continual advancement in the oncology research space. Traditionally, breast cancers are grouped into subtypes according to the Tumor, Nodes, and Metastasis system of staging breast cancer, the ...

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How to advertise clinical trials online

When sponsors advertise a clinical trial online, they will typically either provide sites with individual advertising budgets or work with a clinical trial recruitment company to create outreach materials. Once created, these materials will undergo the IRB approval process and then be distributed across online channels such as Facebook and Google Ads.

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A closer look at resistant hypertension for American Heart Month

Did you know that February is American Heart Month? This month is dedicated to raising awareness for and providing education on heart health, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

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Trends in the medical research space: Reflections from SCOPE 2023

The Summit for Clinical Ops Executives (known as SCOPE), is one of the year’s largest conferences focused on clinical research — and one the Antidote team was thrilled to attend in 2023.

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